
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Five Simple Steps to Snap out of a Bad Mood
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Monday Aug 05, 2013
Let’s face it; we all get stressed for one reason or another. But if you wake up in a bad mood or find yourself in a bad mood as a result of having a stressful day, you can easily snap out of it if you choose. The key word here is “choose.” It’s all about choice. Emotions are energy so you may not be able to prevent yourself from being in a bad mood because energy has both a positive and negative charge, and therefore, so do emotions. So it’s as natural to feel angry, upset or moody (negative emotions), as it is to feel happy or any other positive emotion. In this episode, I’ll share with you my five simple steps to snap out of a bad mood. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS! THANKS!

Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
Top 5 Immune Boosting Foods
Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
Wednesday Jul 17, 2013
Most people spend the first half of their lives spending their health equity for financial gains. In the latter half of their lives they spend all their money trying to get back their health. It doesn’t have to be this way. You can build great health by focusing on a few simple things regularly. To be healthy, you must have a healthy functioning immune system. Do you know which foods help to boost your body’s immune functions? Come join me and I will share that with you. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS! THANKS!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Fire Up Your Fat Burn for the Summer
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
Let’s face it, we all like to look and feel our best. And the truth is when you look your best you will also feel your best. When you like the way you look it kicks your confidence up a notch. On the other hand, when you feel “blah” and look “blah” it also affects how you show up on a daily basis. So why not strive to LOOK GOOD NAKED? You can do this just by doing a little bit each day. And by understanding the two most important factors that affect your body’s fat burning. Do you know what they are? Come join me and all will be revealed. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS! THANKS!

Tuesday Jul 02, 2013
Top Five Foods for Better Sex
Tuesday Jul 02, 2013
Tuesday Jul 02, 2013
Did you know that your nutritional habits can affect your sexual health? You are what you eat, and what you eat, to a large extent, determines the quality of your health and life. A healthy sex life depends on an optimal level of fitness and nutrition. Come join me as I reveal my top five foods for better sex. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A COMMENT, RATE AND REVIEW AND SHARE THIS PODCAST WITH YOUR FRIENDS! THANKS!

Thursday Jun 27, 2013
What should I eat?
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
Thursday Jun 27, 2013
One of the questions I am asked quite frequently is “What should I eat?” Having coached clients for the past two decades, I understand why most people are confused. When I tell people to “eat food” they are often baffled by the simplistic nature of my answer. This is so because most people don’t eat food; they eat what I call CRAPP (Completely Refined Artificially Produced Products). If you want to eat things that will have an immediate impact on your health, fitness, body, energy and performance, then get in the habit of eating real food. Find out how I define “food.” PLEASE "SUBSCRIBE," COMMENT AND "SHARE" THIS WEEKLY PODCAST. THANKS!

Monday Jun 10, 2013
You have to give up something to get what you want
Monday Jun 10, 2013
Monday Jun 10, 2013
There’s an old maxim that says, “ask and you shall receive.” I beg to differ. You can ask all you want, but until you’re ready to put some energy behind achieving a specific goal, you’re going to get nowhere. I know a lot of people who would love to be healthy and fit, to lose weight even, but they’re not ready to invest the time and energy necessary to achieve such a goal, so it remains a wish. To get what you want, you have to be ready and willing to give up something (time, a bad habit, stuff you love to eat, things you love to do, people you love to hang out with, etc.) in return. In other words, you have to give up something in order to get what you want.

Thursday May 23, 2013
One Step at a Time is Good Walking
Thursday May 23, 2013
Thursday May 23, 2013
As a young lad growing up in New York City I spent most of my free time practicing martial arts. When I got very impatient with what I was doing and wanted to jump to something else, my instructor would say to me, “one step at a time is good walking.” How could you apply this simple principle in your daily life?

Tuesday May 07, 2013
What are you Sacrificing Yourself for?
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Many people can’t seem to make the time to take care of themselves because they’re over-committed with work, family and other obligations. However, when you sacrifice your own self-care for the sake of your other commitments, not only are you not at your best, but you’re also not as effective in those other areas as you could be.

Monday Apr 22, 2013
Surround Yourself with Successful People
Monday Apr 22, 2013
Monday Apr 22, 2013
Whether in business, fitness or life, to be successful you have to surround yourself with other like-minded successful people. You won’t reach your goals hanging around the whiners and complainers because they will only suck your energy leaving you drained, tired and unmotivated.

Friday Mar 29, 2013
The less you do to food, the more it will do for you
Friday Mar 29, 2013
Friday Mar 29, 2013
Most diseases that affect people these days are lifestyle related. From obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and heart disease to various types of cancers. There’s a very simple solution. Eat food. Not processed food products, but real whole foods. In this episode, Dr. Del will share a very simple eating strategy for getting back your health, fitness, energy and vitality…If you eat CRAPP, you will look and feel like crap.